Friday, September 29, 2017

Zone Conference!

Thursday and Friday we had Zone Conference!

First we had lunch with the ranch manager Tyson Johnson, and the Kitchen's!
The Kitchen's are here our directors from the Farmland Reserve Mission!
We love when they come to visit!
Sister Titmus prepared a beautifully yummy lunch!
Thank you Robyn!!

Sister and Elder Gibson, Elder and Sister Kitchen, Tyson Johnson, Sister and Elder Titmus!
We have a wonderful team, and we love zone conference!

Elder Titmus, and Elder Kitchen

Tyson and Sister Kitchen

Sharing time.
The Kitchen's left with Tyson Johnson the ranch manager to continue
the tour of the ranch and the ranch's needs.

We meet up with the Kitchen's and Johnson's for dinner.
" Bad Brad's Bar-B-Q"

Cute old building to house the restaurant

Fun native rock

interior with fun item's on the wall.

Sister and Elder Titmus, Elder and Sister Gibson, Sister and Elder Kitchen.
Dinner was yummy, ribs, ribs, and more ribs.
Good Morning its Friday and Zone Conference at the Ranch Headquarters!

Sooner Cattle Company
Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Our Sooner Team!

Today's Zone Conference Theme
" Gratitude"

Elder Jeff and Sister Pam Gibson, Elder Gray and Sister Robyn Titmus, 
Elder Pat and Sister Tina Kitchen.

Our Ranch Headquarters
We met together, and had a wonderful zone conference.
We are so grateful for the Kitchen's and for the time that they spend helping us as missionaries.
And all the church farm managers.  To meet their needs.
We are also grateful for all the missionaries who serve throughout the world!

" Mosiah 2:17. And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God"

Sister Kitchen brought us a treat!
"Dark Chocolate Turtles"
from Valley Pecan's in Chillicothe, Texas

The three Amigo's

Ahh!! The flowers!!

Safe trip home for the Kitchen's back to Salt Lake City, Utah.
Thanks for sharing your talents and spirit with us!

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