Monday, September 18, 2017

Dalton Home - Tile

Happy Monday, we are off to work, more tile to lay in the Dalton Home!!!
One tile was off, so pulled up the row's, thats the fun
of having pattern's with the tile.  

working away!

Elder Gibson

Three more row's complete

Front Entry complete

Sister Titmus

Elder Titmus

All cleaned up and ready to lay the tile back down.

Looking good!

Fun moth landed on the wall!

Working our way to the Utility Room

More tile in the bedroom

working in the utility room

Horses found their way around the fence to come and visit!

Beautiful clouds today!

Sister Titmus

ta da!

I caught Elder Titmus cute picture!

Utility room

Elder Gibson

We can only work so far and then we have to start 
on another area!

Looks great!

Day is done, more tile tomorrow!!

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