Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dalton Home Tile Work

We have been working hard, as usual, we started the tile this week so we are moving right along!
They have chosen a pattern to lay the tile

Elder Smith working on the lights

Floor cleaned and ready to tile!

Elder Titmus and Elder Gibson

And the tile is started!!

more work on the lights

Cutting the tile

Elder Titmus

Sister Smith moving in the tile!

The crew at work

into the kitchen

Ah!! very nice!!

team work

last tile in the kitchen

Sister and Elder Titmus 
working in the living room

Kitchen finished

Sister Titmus

Elder Titmus

Elder Gibson

Elder Gibson

Hall way complete

now to work on the left side!

Sister Smith

Elder Smith

and another row started

Kitchen looks great!

taped off yesterday's work ready to start again!

In the Pantry


and another bucket of mortar

Elder and Sister Titmus are headed down the hallway!

more work done!

they made it to the end of the hall!

great job!!

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