Friday, September 8, 2017

Dalton Home A Great Work Week

As we continue to work on the Dalton home, we have painted, and painted, and painted!!!
 The walls are all painted, masked off the walls to paint the ceiling.
 Elder Titmus
 Elder Gibson
 Nest job to sand all the doors down and prep for painting.
Elder and Sister Smith arrived they are finishing the Electrical

 Sister Titmus working on the touch ups
 Elder Smith and his array of Electrical supplies

 Garage is all cleaned up ready to paint the doors.
 We are so excited to have the Smiths here from Tremonton Utah
 Sister and Elder Smith
 Setting up the doors 
 Elder Titmus and Elder Gibson
 and rows
 Of doors all painted
 Elder Smith 
 Sister Smith
 Sister Titmus
 Lights are magically appearing
 In the kitchen
 Lots more paintings to do 

 Elder Titmus
 making sure are materials are delivered on time
 always happy and always with a smile!!
 the last of the doors 
 Sister Titmus 
 Trim is white 
Elder Gibson and Elder Smith

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