Saturday, September 23, 2017

Ralston, Oklahoma

Ralston, Oklahoma
We had a wonderful time visiting this town, and with the people that live there!

Ralston Water Tower
View of the Bank and the Ralston Water Tower

Ralston Corner Cafe

The Independent Order of Oddfellows
also know as the Three Links Fraternity
Their creed 
"visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead, and educate the orphan."

First National Bank
The town restored the bank
it is wonderful to see towns that save their history!


Inside the bank


holding on

looking through the window
another window view

We are in the shop under the Ralston Opera House
a very interesting array of item's very high in price.
some of the original building shelves and show cases.
The original floor

back room door
The current owner invited us to go upstairs and see the Opera house.
This was wonderful to see what he is trying to do to save the Opera House.
Current owner is a resident of Ralston and on the City Board.
He is very proud of his town, and work's hard to help keep its history.

Stairs going up to the Opera Stage

looking from the back to the stage

Fun Poster
They used to show silent black and white films

Cool curtain

drawing of a dream
they wanted to remodel all the theater's in each town!
That would have been cool

Seating for 200 people

One of the fans 

Lifting the curtain


Back of the stage

The only original glass left in the Opera House

Stair back to main street

Harry Bros
Home of the Ralston Opera Company
2nd level

First Federated Church
est 1904

Ralston Fire Truck

Arkansas River

Photo's of Ralston Old and between!

Gray Horse 
Osage Religious Building

This amazing bridges spanned over the Arkansas River
it has been torn down 

First Federated Church


Harry Bros 
est 1902
The Antique building inside
and the Opera House upstairs.

Ralston Opera Company
est 1902

First National Bank

First National Bank

Inside the Bank

Ralston Bank Note

Ralston Ice Plant

Ralston Ice Plant

Gas station

"Ralston Independent"
The Town That Has A Future
 The water tower
and the bank on the left

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