Thursday, September 7, 2017

Music In The Park

Today is Elder and Sister Titmus's Anniversary, we joined them at the park for some Disney Music.
We had a wonderful time listening to the singers, and the setting at the park was wonderful with all the beautiful flower garden's.
Happy Anniversary!!!
Robyn and Grey Titmus
Elder and Sister

 We are at the park for some wonderful Disney music
One of the Gazebo's in the park

While the music was being sung I wondered the beautiful gardens

I found one of the hidden rock's so much fun!!

 This is a cool plant the large puff ball below is its flower
 Cool white puff ball

 The color's of the garden were vivid

 This fun fern plant was growing up into the daisy plant

 A pink brain

 Large Hibiscus
Monarch Butterfly

American Beauty

This is a beautiful flower very delicate

 Turk's cap


Ripe Fig

I would love to have a garden like this on my dry desert ground!

Flowering Cotton

new cotton bud's

Dried Mushroom's

Bird of Paradise

Just chatting to each other!!

The Park 
L. A. and Mary Cann
House and Garden

 Built 1908

This brick patio with flower mosaic tiles.

We parked at the Presbyterian Church


And no night would be complete without the moon!!

Good Night!

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