Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday Adventure! Blackwell, Oklahoma

Woo Hoo its Saturday!! And I get to play!!
First Jeff saw this Rattlesnake its a Prairie Rattle Snake

We heard that there was a County Fair for Kay County so we ventured to the Kay County Fairgrounds!  It is in the town of Blackwell, Oklahoma!

Kay County Fairgrounds and the Kay County Fair

they had a lot of carnival rides!

And the 4-H exhibit's

Metal art work

Grand old Flag

Giant Sweet Potato

Cockscomb flower
looks like a brain flower.

So thats the end of the county fair, very tiny but still fun to see the 4-H winners!
We visited main street to see the old buildings.





Equity Plaza Apartments


Old street lights

Masonic Lodge

Old mural


West Dyer's

We stopped in a Antique Mall it was huge
two floors full of stuff
but the old handrail was way cool!

Coca Cola Ad

Larkin Hotel

Police Station

Post Office

Old photo's
Main street

1955 F-5 Tornado

tornado pathway

High School

Oklahoma Baptist College

Santa Fe Depot

Its fun to see the history of these towns, they have fought a brave fight, 
I love when the town rally's around its history to try to save it.
It is a hard time to run a business but when you are in a small
town it is even harder!

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