Friday, September 8, 2017

Trip to Pawhuska

Sometimes, the morning does not always start out like expected, we thought we would work at the Dalton home more painting!  But the van had a whole different plan for us, the wheel bearing was bad, so Elder Gibson needed to work on the van. But we don't have the right tools to perform the task.
We needed supplies, and the closet door, so off to Pawhuska.
Traveled through the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.  That means Bison!!!
I just love driving through the preserve 
to see these beautiful amazing animals!!

 The American Bison

And this adorable little calf, very young

Cross the road with its mommy!!

Bison skull

Copperhead Snake

So this beautiful deadly snake was out for a stroll

We went to the Pawhuska Unit to see if they had the tools we needed in the shop!  
We love the rock on the shed at the Moore's home.
Cute gate "Welcome"

The Moore's home

Barn with the rock work

Cool old well pump

Yellow Daisy's

Black Walnuts

In the back of the Moore's home is the most amazing
creek with the sandstone rock bed!

Rock bed of the creek

Spangled Fritillary Butterfly

I can't wait to see the creek when it rains!

Sweet Potato Vine

The prairie on the other side of the creek

The old road that went over the sand creek

Tyson and Elder Gibson

looking back towards the Moore Home

I like this barn

Scissor Tail Flycatcher

We found the tools we needed so now its back through the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve.
They are doing what they call patch burning this is to 
wake up the Prairie Grass, the natural way!

As we drove through this Cicada flew in for protection
and attached itself on my arm
poor little thing

Elder Gibson working on the van
new wheel bearing!

leopard frog

I think this is a leopard frog also, it just newly formed,
it will get its stripes as it grow's.

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