Saturday, August 12, 2017

Saturday Journey Dexter, Kansas

So this morning after things were taken care of with meetings, we headed off to Dexter, Kansas.
 Can you see the Fairy Ring of Mushroom's

 Big Puffball Mushroom's

 Some of the ranch country that has hills
 Large Tank
 More rolling hills

 This tank has a huge dam built
 We are in to Kansas
And look " Dalton St"
 Henry's Candy Co
in Dexter, Kansas
creator of the " O Henry Candy Bar" and "Ribbon Candy"

 One of the Barn Quilts on the Barn Quilt road tour in Dexter, Kansas
 "Chocolate it's cheaper than Therapy and you don't need an appointment!"
 Henry Candy making room they just finished making sucker's we missed it.

 Tom Henry creates his candy
 Henry family working on creative candy
 Homemade fudge, and divinity
 Henry Candy Co candy making room for over 60 years
 Taffy and lollipops

 Homemade candies
Some fun photo's I found online, I enjoy old history

 Holiday Mix
Flag and Rose

These are pictures of them making sucker's they 
made the purple one when we visited.

 advertisements and a recipe
 I love old candy boxes

 2nd Barn quilt hiding on the back of the Stone Barn Mercantile
 So the town of Dexter has a barn quilt tour
we did a few of them

 cool pattern of brick on this store front

 Mural in Dexter
Depicting a flying balloon
 I liked this one
There are a lot more maybe I will get back to find some of the other 
Barn Quilt's

In 1903 Natural Gas was discovered in Dexter
but when they went to light the well, no fire occurred.
It was Helium, Dexter supplied Helium for balloons in World War 1.

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