Friday, August 11, 2017

Dinner at the Dalton's

The sky is amazing as always!

The Dalton's were feeding the sister missionaries, and they stop and invited us to join them.
We were very excited to meet there cute family!
 This are the two Sister Missionaries assigned to the Pawhuska Branch.
Sister Heron is from Aurora, Utah, and Sister Warren is from Mapleton, Utah
Cute girls, with very strong spirits!
 Hayden and Madison (Maddie) Moores and Chauncey Dalton.
 Maddie, and Avery Moore, and Cinch Dalton
 Elder Gibson, Sister Warren, Ashli Moore, Jesse Mae and Daniel Dalton, Elder Titmus
 Sisters shared a special thought with us about the importance of
recognizing the Savior's Atonement in our lives.
 Sister Warren, Maddie, Ashli, Hayden, Avery Moore, Chauncey, Cinch, and Jesse Mae Dalton.
They are trying to blow up balloon's

 Sister and Elder Titmus
 Ashli, Hayden Moore, Cinch, Chauncy and Jesse Mae Dalton

We had a wonderful time with the families, and the cute Sister Missionaries.
Lovely dinner and great company.

 Just in time for the sun to set!

 Having fun on the trampoline.
 young ones just brought in from Florida.

They are not quite sure what to do with me!

But then Elder Gibson is not quite sure what to do with me!!

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