Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Evening Out

Elder Gibson is so good to me, I need to be out and about, and so he takes me on fun outings!
To explore is wonderful!
 One of the rocky ledges that surrounds the Foraker Unit

 Tawny Emperor Butterfly
So the Cicada's have a very high pitched sound they make
like a helicopter is going to land!
These little guys were just screaming tonight, I could not hear
Elder Gibson talking!
 I like to look for fossils
but these rock's are way cool but no fossils present.
 Way out on the horizon another Rock corner post.
 Looking out  from the rock ledge
 Simply breathtaking
 Elder Gibson
 Sun is trying to set
 We walked the creek we think its a spring!
 Sandstone ledges and little tiny fish
 The prairie is in bloom with these tiny little orchid flowers
they are on a bush.
 Very pretty
 No fragrance

 If its a spring we did not find the head of the water yet!
The rocks have been weathered by wind and water!

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