Saturday, August 19, 2017

Deer and Bridges

We took the long way home, but the animals were out so that made it really fun.
We even saw another Bobcat, no picture it ran across the road in front of the truck, way cool.

Two buck's in this herd
Whitetail Deer

 The storm wall and the Sun is behind it
 This cool bridge was on the way home

 mom with two young fawns

two young fawn's this mother had triplets
we could see the other fawn and mother!


 Box turtle crossing the road

This herd of Whitetail were all buck's
 (blurry)  but still cool

 This was cool notice two deer the front deer has a smaller rack
but lifted its head in front of the larger buck in the back.

We had a wonderful Saturday, we did a lot and I took a lot of photo's
I hope you enjoyed our journey!  We did!! and we bet the storm home!

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