Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Bird Creek Barn

Back to Bird Creek Barn, more brace work.
 Blue Heron

 Working on more of the pole's in the barn
 Very tiny yellow flower
 Bumble Bee
 There is a big shed on the other side, so Elder Gibson had work around the
big shed and manipulate the brace to make it work.
He did it!
 This big Hornet Nest was right over our heads
we did not get stung!

 Fun pattern in the plant, a type of Sunflower
 Very small but beautiful

 Little lantern's
 Small white flower on a long stem

 Sun bathing turtle
 Shasta Daisy
 Last brace!
 This is the left side of the barn and its all braced!
 Drove home through the buffalo's

Back at the Dalton Home
The Titmus's and visiting Sister's worked on the sheetrock!
 Sister Heron and Sister Warren
came over to help Sister Titmus texture the walls
 The young sisters are so much fun to work with,
Sister Titmus is such a wonderful host!
 They did a beautiful job!!

 Elder Gibson
 Sister Heron (cheese)
 Texturing walls

 Sister Heron and Sister Warren
looking back toward the Foraker Unit homes.

Sister Titmus, Elder Titmus and Elder Gibson
Ta Da!!!!

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