Thursday, August 17, 2017

Blue Stem Lake and Waterfall

On the way to Bird Creek Unit, there is a large lake called Blue Stem Lake, they catch huge Catfish out of this lake, and some people hang the remains of the Catfish on the fence poles.  Leaving the remnant of their catch.  The vultures love this treat.  We saw on of these catfish catches on a pole.  There are many dried catfish skulls on the other fences, some of them are gigantic.  I want to catch one.
Looking out toward Blue Stem Lake
 On the way to Bird Creek Unit you cross over the lake water.
It was a little high today due to the rain storm last night.
 Water flowing out of the Lake across the road.
looking out at the lake
 After working at the Bird Creek Unit, we headed back to cross over the lake.  But Elder Gibson
saw a sandstone terrace and let me go and take a look.  It was amazing.

So this is what we saw from the road.
Its another old road that is now blocked off.
 But as I got closer I could see more 
water trickling down the sandstone terrace.

 Looking across the road

 Drops down to another fall

 Looking down into the gorge

 the next set of falls
just breathtaking! 

Looks like a dinosaur gazing out over the falls

I love waterfall's they have always held my interest with the sounds the water makes as it falls from any heights.  And the beauty of the water falling is so amazing.  This was a wonderful treat.

not sure what makes these track's in the sandstone
but they are very cool

Elder Gibson think's they are natural!

he's always right!

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