Monday, October 9, 2017

Downing Children's Garden Part III

As we glide through the Botanica Garden's, we come upon the Downing Children's Garden!
We become children as we follow the yellow brick road, through the rainbow!
Downing Children's Garden

Through the Rainbow
"follow the yellow brick road"

Cute squirrel planter

The rainbow
If you crawl through the rainbow you become a kid!
We did it!

Mosaic Sunflower Water Fountain

This cute little boy was inside the house 
and gave me the cutest smile!

The three sisters

Sister Titmus had to stop Sister Wheeler 
from turning around on her chair.  
It was really cute, fun time together!!

Cool Dragon fly


The painting pond

The Treehouse

Sister Titmus a "tree hugger"

These green leaves had this vivid pink on them,
very beautiful!

Sister Wheeler

Sister Gibson

The haunted woods

The fairy kingdom

Sister Titmus in the tree house
Sister Gibson

Sister Titmus came out of the tree trunk!

Sister Titmus

Sister Gibson

Water Lily

Monarch Butterfly

Variegated Fritillary


Cobweb Skipper

Checkerspot Butterfly

Leaving the Rainbow

Under the rainbow

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