Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cedar Vale Kansas

Short time in Cedar Vale, Kansas
Founded in 1869, a place of "Peace and Rest."

 Entering main street
cool old building

this is the building that houses the museum
it  was closed!
museum looking through the window

tin ceiling

Mill stones

Side of the building

old mural

beautiful sandstone edge and brick front

Veteran's memorial

est 1938

First Baptist Church

old limestone home

Church of Christ

United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

Steam tractor



Rothrock House

fun antique cars 

Hewins Park & Pavillion
built in 1918

Beautiful construction work

They were having a craft sale today!


I loved this gentleman's furniture made out of cedar!
The Double Bridge

Double Arch Rainbow Bridge East of Cedar Vale

It was fun to watch these 3 turtles chasing each other

Caney River

Photo's from the past!
Three Wing School House
circa 1911

Cedar Vale Memorial High School

Old Caney River Iron Bridge 
built in the late 1890's

Double Arch Rainbow Bridge East of Cedar Vale on Old Hwy 160.

Ice Storm 2002

Main Street

First National Bank
Adams Mercantile building

Santa Fe Depot
Cedar Vale, Kansas

Missouri Pacific Train Depot
Cedar Vale, Kansas

fun postcard 

Cedar Vale Baptist Church 1911

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