Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Crafting with the Sister's

This morning, I traveled to Ponca City, with Sister Wheeler, so she could visit with her new doctor.
We stopped an purchased some crafting supplies so that we could put together an autumn floral arrangement with pinecones, that we gathered the day before.
In the early morning hours the semi's waiting to load up the cattle!

Cool bug on the brick bunkhouse

love the pattern on its leg's

Sister Wheeler and Sister Titmus
painting the pinecones

Some of the pinecones painted to look like flowers!

Sister Wheeler

Sister Wheeler, Sister Titmus, and Sister Gibson

Sister Wheeler's children sent her fun Halloween decor

more added to the collection

Sister Wheeler's 

she added some more pinecone flower's
it looks great!

We had a wonderful time playing together, its fun just to visit
and talk about our families!!
Lots of love!!

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