Saturday, November 18, 2017

Tallgrass Prairie Preserve

As we are preparing to return to Navasota Ranch, in Waco, Texas.  I wanted to visit the bison and the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, one last time.  It was fun to venture out and see the bison and deer on the preserve.

I have truly enjoyed seeing the Bison
sometimes they are close today was a good day to see them.

"now what are you doing"

"Pose o'kay"

Young bull 

little calf

this young calf walked right up to the road.
It was quite curious.

Bison on the prairie

Mallard's in the pond


Whitetail doe

fawn and mother

Large bull bison on the ridge

Hitching a ride!

rear view

last photo on the Tallgrass Prairie

Whitetail in the grass on the ranch.

Sooner Land and Cattle
cattle grazing in the pastures.

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